
Over 20 of the Best Places to Host Your Holiday Party in Tyler, Texas
Over 20 of the Best Places to Host Your Holiday Party in Tyler, Texas
Over 20 of the Best Places to Host Your Holiday Party in Tyler, Texas
I've had friends ask me for ideas on where to host Christmas and holiday parties in Tyler, TX. I have a few stock answers--places I love and with which I'm familiar. But anytime anyone asks that question: I realized I really didn't have as many answers for them as I should, given that I've lived here for so many years.
The 8 Roads Tyler, TX People Say They Dislike Driving on the Most
The 8 Roads Tyler, TX People Say They Dislike Driving on the Most
The 8 Roads Tyler, TX People Say They Dislike Driving on the Most
It's frustrating for some at the end of a long day when the only thing you want to do in the world is get the heck home and relax and DoorDash something delicious. And since more and more people are moving here, the traffic is going to reflect that. Thankfully, the city has plans in place to make that better. But of course, projects of that magnitude take time to bring to fruition. So, in the meantime, here we are.

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