Marijuana possession will remain a felony in Louisiana, thanks to state lawmakers concerned that lessening the penalties will not punish repeat offenders severely enough.

On Tuesday, a Louisiana Senate Committee killed a bill aimed at making marijuana possession of less than an ounce a misdemeanor. Despite arguments that sentencing reform could save he state $20 million per year, the committee decided to snuff out the measure in a vote of 4-3.

Under the proposal, Senate Bill 323, possession of less than an ounce of weed would come with a penalty of a maximum fine of $500 and six months in jail… the same for subsequent offenses. Louisiana law currently carries a similar penalty for first time offenders, with sentences increasing to 5 years in jail/$2,500 fine for a second offense and 20 years/$5,000 for every subsequent offense.

While supporters of the bill argued that Louisiana’s drug possession sentencing guidelines are uneven and are responsible creating downtrodden for those caught under the wheels of the system, the opposition does not want to make any changes to the current law that may become a springboard for full-blown legalization.

"We are not decriminalizing marijuana,” shouted JP Morrell, the bills primary sponsor, after opposing forces continued to harp on their fears that the measure would lead to a state with legal weed. "Somehow that's been lost in the translation."

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